Grimaldi ships over 2,000 pieces of school furniture to Ghana
An inspiring
solidarity initiative is set to improve conditions in several schools in Ghana.
Over 2,000 pieces of school furniture, donated by educational establishments in
Palermo, will shortly be delivered thanks to a project promoted by the GIWA
(Ghana Italian Women Association) in collaboration with the Department of
Education of the Municipality of Palermo and with the crucial support of the
Grimaldi Group, which offered free maritime transport to Africa.
shipment includes five containers filled with essential school supplies: over
800 desks, nearly 1,300 chairs, along with blackboards, desks, lockers and
other indispensable items for school activities. The containers departed from
Palermo on 7 December aboard the Grimaldi Group’s ro-pax ship Catania, which
sailed to Salerno. There, they were transferred onto the con-ro ship Grande
Angola, which took them to Lagos, Nigeria. After a final transshipment onto
the Grande Lagos, the cargo arrived at the port of Tema in Ghana on 10 January.