Security Incident Response Team (G-SIRT)

During 2019 the Grimaldi Group set up a Cyber ​​Security Incident Response Group (G-SIRT). The mission of the G-SIRT is to defend the constituency from cyber security threats. It also has the task of suggesting and implementing tactical and technical security countermeasures to prevent and protect the information managed by Grimaldi from any attempted violation. 

G-SIRT plays the role of Security Advisor for all the companies of the Grimaldi Group. 

uploaded pictureSince 07 February 2020 the G-SIRT team has been accredited by Trusted Introducer, the trusted network of worldwide CERTs founded in Europe in 2000. Accreditation requires that each team formally undertakes to respect safety constraints, ethical obligations, and cooperation commitments towards the whole community. 


The reports of security incidents can be sent to the email address of the G-SIRT: csirt [at]

The use of a PGP key is recommended for exchanging confidential information. The details of the G-SIRT public key are:

ID: 0x856976AD

Fingerprint: EC7D 2F4E 381F DB0C E7AC 729E 908A 4F31 7314 FFB8

Document RFC 2350 of G-SIRT

This document contains the description of the G-SIRT in accordance with RFC 2350. This document provides basic information about the G-SIRT, the ways in which it is possible to interact with the group, the responsibilities and the services offered.
