ACL’s excellent service recognized by Cummins

Cummins Inc., a global leader in power technology, recently held its Recognition Awards Ceremony at its Logistics Centre in Daventry (UK). Atlantic Container Line (ACL), a Grimaldi Group company, was one of the recipients, in recognition of its excellent service provided throughout 2023. A special mention was made of the 40+ year partnership between the companies, making ACL the longest serving of all Cummins’s logistics suppliers.

 This award would not have been possible without the contribution of absolutely everyone within Atlantic Container Line,commented ACL’s UK Import Manager Keith Baguley, who was in attendance to receive the award together with ACL Liverpool’s Customer Service Export Manager Julie Griffiths, and ACL’s Export Customer Service Representative Sue Constantine.  “We all work together as a team to achieve the highest level of service that makes ACL a trusted symbol of quality.